Bibliography: The Socioeconomic Effects of Public Sector Information
Chapter 14 ( Measuring the Social and Economic Costs of Public Sector Information Online: A Review of the Literature and Future Directions by Paul F. Uhlir, Raed M. Sharif, and Tilman Merz) of The Socioeconomic Effects of Public Sector Information (PSI) on Digital Networks has a useful bibliography of useful links in this area. I have reproduced the bibliography portion of the chapter below: Models of Public Sector Information Provision via Trading Funds . David Newbery, Lionel Bently, and Rufus Pollock. 2008. EcoGeo Project . Stéphane Roche, et al. 2007 . Fair Use in the U.S. Economy: Economic Contribution of Industries Relying on Fair Use . Thomas Rogers and Andrew Szamosszegi. 2007. The Power of Information: An Independent Review . Ed Mayo and Tom Steinberg. 2007. The Socio-Economic Impact of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia . Pilar Garcia Almirall, Montse Moix Bergadà, and Pau Queraltó Ros. Edited by Max Craglia. 2007; published 2008. Benefits of the New ...