Australia talks about Research data archiving

I see how the Australians appear to have the good fortune of having the discussion on research data archiving moving forward, as suggested by the upcoming meeting in September, "Long-Lived Collections: the Future of Australia's research data" at the National Library of Australia. This meeting is a follow-up to some very good efforts, including the Australian government's "Data for Science (DFS)" prepared for the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, and the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories' "Sustainability Issues for Australian Research Data: The report of the Australian eResearch Sustainability Survey Project".

I can only be envious of this activity, given the -- unfortunately -- almost complete vacuum of activity following the release of Canada's National Consultation on Access to Scientific Research Data (NCASRD).

The two reports - DfS and NCASRD - are very similar in scope and in recommendations, reflecting the similar but not the same situations in both countries.

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Update 2008 09 01:


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