ACM & IEEE team-up for Wiki for Discussing and Promoting Best Practices in Research
The scope is somewhat(!) narrower than the title suggests, focusing on the challenges in running and managing conferences in the areas on which the ACM and IEEE focus. The Wiki includes categories dealing with: acceptance rates (too high & too low), creative ideas (like lightning talks), examining allowing author responses to reviewer concerns, (technical) competitions, tracking reviews (if a paper is rejected by conference X and is usually re-submitted to conference Y, with some organizing & cooperation, the two conferences can have the reviews carried-over (shared)), two-phase reviewing, double blind submissions, scaling of programme committees using hierarchy and not agglomeration.

Hill, M. D., Gaudiot, J., Hall, M., Marks, J., Prinetto, P., and Baglio, D. 2006. A Wiki for discussing and promoting best practices in research. Commun. ACM 49, 9 (Sep. 2006), 63-64.


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