Data Curation Report
Liz Lyon , of UKOLN and DCC, has produced an excellent report titled " Dealing with Data ". It is a very applied look at the issues around data curation and preservation and examines at " the roles, rights, responsibilities and relationships of institutions, data centres and other key stakeholders who work with data ." While it is UK-oriented, most of its recommendations can be applied to other regions. It includes 35 recommendations in eight categories: Co-ordination and Strategy Policy and Planning Practice Technical Integration and Interoperability Legal and Ethical Issues Sustainability Advocacy Training and Skills Many of the recommendations resonate with many of the recommendations of the National Consultation on Access to Research Data (NCASRD) here in Canada that I and others helped organize in 2005. Some recommendations of particular interest: REC 2. Research funding organisations should jointly develop a co-ordinated Data Curation and Preservation Strat...