Opportunistic Software Systems Development

In the 25th anniversary issue (November/December 2008 (vol. 25 no. 6)) of IEEE Software, my NRC colleague Anatol Kark is part of the editorial team for the special issue on "Opportunistic Software Systems Development".

These are all great articles, and I particularly like the Jansen et al article ("Pragmatic and Opportunistic Reuse in Innovative Start-up Companies") and feel that almost everyone who is trying to bring their organizationl IT into the 21st century should be forced to read the Gamble et al article ("Monoliths to Mashups: Increasing Opportunistic Assets").


^a_g_n_e_s^ said…
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Anonymous said…
Thanks for your great comments on the pragmatic reuse article :-). Just stumbled onto your blog through Google.

I am continueing this research, btw, in case you're interested I can keep you posted. Feel free to e-mail at slinger@cs.uu.nl.

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