
Showing posts from March, 2010

Preservation of Digital Geospatial Materials

The Journal of Map And Geography Libraries has a special issue Preservation of Digital Geospatial Materials (Volume 6 Issue 1 2010) . Papers describe a national level effort, a state effort, and a complex multi-state effort. All three projects are funded by the U.S. National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) : The National Geospatial Digital Archive: A Collaborative Project to Archive Geospatial Data . Tracey Erwin, Julie Sweetkind-Singer. The North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project:Challenges and Initial Outcomes . Steven P. Morris GeoMAPP: A Geospatial Multistate Archive and Preservation Partnership . Alec Bethune, Butch Lazorchak, Zsolt Nagy

The Economist special report on information management

Data, data everywhere The Economist , 00130613, 2/27/2010, Vol. 394, Issue 8671 All too much: Monstrous amounts of data

Open Data and Open Source Tools: Examine BC Power Transmission

"*pybctc* is a python package that makes access to British Columbia Transmission Corporation (BCTC) electric data easier. The British Columbia Transmission Corporation is a crown corporation with a mandate to plan, build, and operate the province of British Columbia's electricity transmission system. It publishes valuable information on electicity generation, transmission, and consumption to its website. This information is useful for many purposes including economic analysis, power trading, electric system study, and forecasting. The first step in using such information is to download it an parse it into useful data structures - a task performed by this library. The processed data normally will feed statistical methods, heuristics, and system models to provide a useful analysis of the British Columbia electric system. The *pybctc* project is hosted at The data this library accesses can be found here: B.C. Transmission Corp historical trans...