E-Government ICT Conference

The recent conference E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry-Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy) is of interest to those involved with ICT in government and eGovernment in general (although the conference is rather EU-centred).
Note the content is behind a pay-wall, so you can't read the articles unless you belong to an institution that has a subscription or you have one yourself.

Of interest:

Search: "open source":
  • Business Process Monitoring: BT Italy case study
  • The Italian Public Administration Electronic Market: Scenario, Operation, Trends:
    "The selected software to develop the dashboard has been Pentaho suite, which is an open source application. It better fits all the project needs that can be summarized by the following drivers:
    • Low license costs. It has no license costs.
    • Low impact on current systems architecture. It does not need a complex integration with source systems.
    • Availability of “off the shelf” features (reporting and KPIs analysis). It has rich libraries of graphical objects and reports to better show indicators.
    • Short Time to Delivery. The Dashboard has been delivered in three months including a tuning phase in which some new features had been added."

Table of Contents:


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