VPN Down? Fill your time (and brain) with free cloud training Part 2 of 2: Azure
Part 2: Azure
Free Azure educational material. Ordered (oddly enough) by time length. Non-exhaustive, personally selected for my team and peer teams, but I hope useful for you too. :-)
[Link to Part 1: AWS]
Free Azure educational material. Ordered (oddly enough) by time length. Non-exhaustive, personally selected for my team and peer teams, but I hope useful for you too. :-)
[Link to Part 1: AWS]
And full disclosure: I have no affiliation with either of these companies.
- 25 min: Core Cloud Services - Azure data storage options
- 25 min: Get started with Azure DevOps
- 28 min: Core Cloud Services - Azure networking options
- 30 min: Choose a data storage approach in Azure
- 34 min: Analyze your Azure infrastructure by using Azure Monitor logs
- 34 min: Control Azure services with the CLI
- 35 min: Align requirements with cloud types and service models in Azure
- 36 min: Add and size disks in Azure virtual machines
- 36 min: Core Cloud Services - Introduction to Azure
- 36 min: Create serverless logic with Azure Functions
- 37 min: Design an IP addressing schema for your Azure deployment
- 37 min: Monitor and troubleshoot your end-to-end Azure network infrastructure by using network monitoring tools
- 38 min: Core Cloud Services - Azure compute options
- 38 min: Scan open source components for vulnerabilities and license ratings in Azure Pipelines
- 39 min: Connect your on-premises network to Azure with VPN Gateway
- 39 min: Create an Azure account
- 40 min: Choose an Agile approach to software development
- 42 min: Distribute your services across Azure virtual networks and integrate them by using virtual network peering
- 43 min: Monitor the health of your Azure virtual machine by collecting and analyzing diagnostic data
- 43 min: Secure and isolate access to Azure resources by using network security groups and service endpoints
- 44 min: Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server
- 45 min: Core Cloud Services - Azure architecture and service guarantees
- 46 min: Apply and monitor infrastructure standards with Azure Policy
- 46 min: Apply and monitor infrastructure standards with Azure Policy
- 46 min: Control and organize Azure resources with Azure Resource Manager
- 46 min: Control and organize Azure resources with Azure Resource Manager
- 47 min: Improve application scalability and resiliency by using Azure Load Balancer
- 50 min: Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes
- 50 min: Manage users and groups in Azure Active Directory
- 50 min: Provision an Azure SQL database to store application data
- 50 min: Secure your application by using OpenID Connect and Azure AD
- 50 min: Store application data with Azure Blob storage
- 51 min: Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure
- 51 min: Manage virtual machines with the Azure CLI
- 53 min: Improve incident response with alerting on Azure
- 53 min: Monitor GitHub events by using a webhook with Azure Functions
- 59 min: Secure your Azure virtual machine disks
- 1 hr 2 min: Cloud Concepts - Principles of cloud computing
- 1 hr 7 min: Introduction to Azure virtual machines
- 1 hr 7 min: Secure your Azure SQL Database
- 1 hr 11 min: Automate Azure tasks using scripts with PowerShell
- 1 hr 13 min: Core Cloud Services - Manage services with the Azure portal
- 1 hr 14 min: Predict costs and optimize spending for Azure
- 1 hr 14 min: Predict costs and optimize spending for Azure
- 1 hr 15 min: Connect an app to Azure Storage
- 1 hr 16 min: Security, responsibility, and trust in Azure
- 1 hr 16 min: Security, responsibility, and trust in Azure
- 1 hr 23: Execute an Azure Function with triggers
- 1 hr 26 min: Create a Linux virtual machine in Azure
- 1 hr 27 min: Implement a code workflow in your build pipeline by using Git and GitHub
- 1 hr 34 min: Configure the network for your virtual machines
- 1 hr 43 min: Scan code for vulnerabilities in Azure Pipelines