"ERC Scientific Council Guidelines for Open Access"

In my rather hectic December I missed this publication on Dec 17 2007 of the ERC Scientific Council Guidelines for Open Access.

From the document's "interim position on open access":
1. The ERC requires that all peer-reviewed publications from ERC-funded research projects be deposited on publication into an appropriate research repository where available, such as PubMed Central, ArXiv or an institutional repository, and subsequently made Open Access within 6 months of publication. [Emphasis added]
2. The ERC considers essential that primary data - which in the life sciences for example could comprise data such as nucleotide/protein sequences, macromolecular atomic coordinates and anonymized epidemiological data - are deposited to the relevant databases as soon as possible, preferably immediately after publication and in any case not later than 6 months after the date of publication. [Emphasis added]
Thanks to Mary Zborowski, CISTI, NRC and CODATA for pointing this out to me.


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