W3C: Service Modeling Standards Extend Reach of XML Family

The W3C has today announced Service Modeling Language 1.1 and SML Interchange Format 1.1 (SML-IF), two XMl-based standards:
SML, SML-IF Enable Validation of Sets of XML Documents

To illustrate what SML adds to the XML ecosystem, consider what happens when someone purchases an airline ticket. Suppose the reservation information is stored as an XML document that includes passenger information. The reservation also refers to a second XML document that stores departure time and other information about the flight. One department manages customer information, another manages flight information. Before any transaction with the customer, the airline wants to ensure that the system as a whole is valid. SML allows the airline to verify that certain constraints are satisfied across the reservation and flight data. This makes it easier to manage inconsistencies, and to do so without writing custom code. As a result, the airline lowers the cost of managing tasks such as informing passengers when flight times change.

An organization may also find that it needs to apply additional constraints when using data in a particular context, for example because of local laws. Developers can use SML to layer on context-specific constraints without duplicating content. -From the W3C Press release


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