Sustainable Digital Data Preservation and Access Network Partners (DATANET) CFP

The US National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure has a call for proposals. From the call:

The new types of organizations envisioned in this solicitation will integrate library and archival sciences, cyberinfrastructure, computer and information sciences, and domain science expertise to:

  • provide reliable digital preservation, access, integration, and analysis capabilities for science and/or engineering data over a decades-long timeline;
  • continuously anticipate and adapt to changes in technologies and in user needs and expectations;
  • engage at the frontiers of computer and information science and cyberinfrastructure with research and development to drive the leading edge forward; and
  • serve as component elements of an interoperable data preservation and access network.
...these exemplar organizations can serve as the basis for rational investment in digital preservation and access by diverse sectors of society at the local, regional, national, and international levels, paving the way for a robust and resilient national and global digital data framework.
This is a significant step forward, in the spirit of many of the plans and ideas contained in the Canadian NCASRD (and other efforts), and hopefully some of this visionary investment in data management and data for science will take hold here in Canada.


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