Journal of Visualized Experiments now indexed by PubMed

The Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) - which publishes research video-articles - is now indexed by PubMed, as reported in the JoVE blog.

  • Visualize This! Interview with Moshe Pritsker, co-founder and editor-in-chief of JoVE [2008 Feb]

  • Troy, T., Arabzadeh, A., Enikanolaiye, A., Lariviere, N., Turksen, K. (2008). Immunohistochemistry on Paraffin Sections of Mouse Epidermis Using Fluorescent Antibodies. Journal of Visualized Experiments DOI: 10.3791/552. A JoVE video article from University of Ottawa and Ottawa Health Research Institute (I work in the Ottawa area).


Anonymous said…
I think JOVE videos are excellent.

Ever since it's been indexed by PubMed, I've been using my Citation Manager, WizFolio to collect and cite the videos. It even grabs the PDFs as well

Have you tried it before?

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