code4lib pre-conference: Linked Data et al...

I am at the exciting and arcane code4lib 2009 conference here in Providence, Rhode Island. Right now at the pre-conference called LinkedData. on Linked Data.

I had forgotten that Rhode Island and more specifically Providence, are the old stomping grounds (and location for many short stories and novels) of H.P. Lovecraft. And - this morning - I was talking to Ross Singer about this, and realised how this all made sense: when I first met Ross at an Access conference a number of years ago, the first thing I thought on meeting him was, "Chthulu"! He of course denied being one of the Elder
and then levitated across the room from me. But I think this explains a lot of things... ;-)

We will have to see what other Links I make at this conference. :-)

Oh, BTW I will be giving a presentation tomorrow morning on LuSql. Feel free to drop in. :-)


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